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calendrical algorithms ► the jewish fixed calendar ► the zoroastrian Persian calendar
censored data ► data augmentation ► non- gaussian spatial models ► outlier ► unified skew gaussian
censored data ► precautionary loss function ► shrinkage preliminary test estimators ► records ► exponential distribution
censored data ► rayleigh distribution ► reflected gamma loss function
characterization ► hazard function ► modified weibull distribution ► truncted moment
charactrizations ► conditional expectation
classroom ► teaching methods ► presence ► being-in ► space
clustering ► stochastic geometry ► statistical shape analysis ► statistical distances ► distal femur
collective teacher efficacy Belief scale ► reliability ► validity ► factor structure
colloque Francois viete, un mathematicien en son temps (fontenay- le- comte, France 19- 20 September 2003 ► the history and use of proof in mathematics 20- c21 September 2003 ► wallis tercentenary meeting 25 Octpber 2003 ► history in the undergraduates mathematics curriculum: why and how? 15 November 2003 ► John von neumman centenary meeting 29 November 2003 ► American mathematical society December 2003 ► HPM 2004 satellite conference of ICME 10 12- 17July 2004
colloquy ubiratan D'Ambrosiocommemoration of his 70th birthday Sao Paulo, December 2002 ► association of mathematics teachers of India and Delhi, 27- 29 December 2002
comhisma8 in Tunisia ► Indian mathematics teacher's meet, Nasik, 2004
conference and meetings in Italy: 9-10 November 2001 ► history and pedagogy of mathematics in the 7th maghrebian symposium on the history of Arabic mathematics , 30 May - 2 June 2002 ► 2nd international conference on the teaching of mathematics (at the undergraduate level) 1-6 July 2002 ► Abel bicentennial conference 2002 3-8 June 2002 ► using the history of mathematics in the teaching and learning of mathematics, in the primary and secondary classroom, in FE and HE and in teacher training, 16 February 2002 ► history af Aram mathematics 30 May- 2 June 2002 ► international colloquium on the history of mathematics August 15-18 2002 ► the 5th international symposium on the history of mathematics and mathematical education using Chinese characters (ISHMES) 9-12 August 2002 ► geometry and mathematics competitions August 4-11 2001 ► third international conference on mathematics education and cultural history of mathematics in the informatics society 24-27 July 2002 ► the first international conference of the new millennium on history of mathematical sciences 20-23 December 2001 Delhi
confluent hypergeometric ► lauricella function ► weighted gamma convolution
copula ► independent component analysis ► squared- loss mutual information
cumulative entropy ► comulative residual entropy ► survival function ► weighted shanon entropy
cumulative residual entropy ► discrete distribution ► discrete failure rate ► mean residual life-time ► seconde failure rate ► survival function
cumulative residual entropy ► extended generalized exponential distribution ► parallel systems ► renyi entropy ► stochastic orderings ► series systems
curriculum ► elements of curriculum ► thinking and research course ► evaluation of curriculum