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ICTM2 1-6 July 2002
instrumental variable ► endogenous (exogenous) variable ► bayesian inference ► skew- normal distribution ► Markov chain Monte Carlo logarithm
international conference on mathematical education ► from sumer to spreadsheets: the history of mathematical table- making 22-23 September 2001 ► conference and meeting in Italy ► history of Arab mathematics ► abel bicentennial conference 2002 3-8 June 2002 ► the 5th international symposium on the history of mathematics and mathematical education using Chinese characters 9-12 August 2002 ► third international conference on mathematics education and cultural history of mathematics in the informatics society 24-27 July 2002
international conference on the history and heritage of mathematical sciences December 19- 22 2002 ► HPM satellite of the XI inter- American conference on the mathematics education July 10- 12 2003 ► HPM 2004 sattellite conference of ICME- 10July 12- 17 2004
interval cumulative residual (past) inaccuracy ► proportional (reversed) hazard model ► Shannon entropy ► cumulative residual (past) inaccuracy
interval meaN ► INTERVAL PARAMETER ► interval random ► interval random variable ► probability space ► variance of an interval random variable
Iranian calendar ► intercalation ► tropical year ► solar calendar systems