in this talk, we intuitively use the human cognitive system in order to give ideas and a roadmap for future technologies in a lay language. the goal of cognitive distributed statistical signal processing technologies is to monitor events and changes in distributed infrastructures such as wireless communications, power grids and radars. traditional network infrastructure incorporates little to no cognition. cognition-based systems can intelligently and dynamically alter and reconfigure themselves to enhance resource management . they can also learn from past situations, decisions and actions in order to improve future outcomes. advanced and low-cost algorithms are the key to next-generation technology. these infrastructures hold a significant place in the economy in terms of employment and revenue. the cognitive management of scarce distributed resources promises to enhance the efficiency of these critical infrastructures.
as modern society increasingly relies on mobile connectivity, spectrum demand is increasing. this ever-increasing demand has led to re-evaluation of spectrum utilization and highlighted the necessity for cognitive thechnologies to gather and act on information about the medium and users to improve network efficiency, save energy, and lower costs. many problems to be solved arise when distributed elements must make a collective set of decisions and have limited ability to exchange information.