شماره رکورد
Vincent Karels M. Sc: A mathematical analysis of the dome of the shrine of shah Nematollah Vali at Mahan : 1393/1/30معماي عدد 11 در ساخت گنبد شاه نعمت اله ولي كرمان: وينسنت كارلز، 93/1/30
نام نرم افزارها
Vincent Karels M. Sc: A mathematical analysis of the dome of the shrine of shah Nematollah Vali at Mahan : 1393/1/30
وضعيت نشر
اصفهان كتابخانه خانه رياضيات اصفهان 1393/1/30
Using modern computer methods and photos of the entire dome in Mahan, we
عنوان به فارسي: معماي عدد 11 در ساخت گنبد آرامگاه شاه نعمت اله ولي كرمان ، وينسنت كارلز، 93/1/30have analyzed the pattern on the dome and its possible design. According to our analyses, which we will present during the talk, the number 11 had a significant influence at various stages of the design. We will show several approaches but have not yet been able to explain all details in the interesting design
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